Stephen M. Kristovich
Board Member
Mr. Kristovich was a Partner in the Los Angeles office of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, specializing in complex civil litigation. He has substantial trial court, jury trial and appellate court experience, including an oral argument in the U.S. Supreme Court, in a variety of areas, including business/commercial, banking, insurance, environmental, toxic tort and products liability. Steve has been the successful lead trial lawyer in multiple two-month jury trials where plaintiff asked the jury to award billions of dollars in compensatory damages plus punitive damages, and in a one- month arbitration where the plaintiff claimed nearly $200 million in compensatory damages plus punitive damages.
Mr. Kristovich was also the lead pro-bono counsel in an affirmative slum housing litigation case, representing 14 families, for a total of 80 plaintiffs against the former and current owner of a building in deplorable conditions. The case settled for over $4 million dollars and also caused for the current owner to sell the building and no longer be in the rental housing business.